AhMyth Android RAT, another open source Android RAT Tool available on GitHub

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The source code of a new Android Remote Administration Tool is available on GitHub, it is dubbed AhMyth Android RAT. You just have to download and test it.

The source code of a new Android Remote Administration Tool is available on GitHub, it is dubbed AhMyth Android RAT.

The malicious code is still in beta version, the AhMyth Android RAT consists of two parts:

  • The Server side: desktop application based on electron framework (control panel)
  • The Client side: Android application (backdoor)

According to the author, the unique prerequisites from the source code are:

  • Electron (to start the app)
  • Java (to generate apk backdoor)
  • Electron-builder and electron-packer (to build binaries for (OSX,WINDOWS,LINUX))

meanwhile the prerequisites from the binaries:

  • Download a binary from https://github.com/AhMyth/AhMyth-Android-RAT/releases
  • Java (to generate apk backdoor)

AhMyth Android RAT

AhMyth Android RAT

The author of the malware also published a video PoC:

Several malware researchers already noticed the availability of the malware online, such as Lukas Stefanko, a malware researcher at ESET, which is focused on Android security and Android malware.
