How to easily verify vulnerabilities in JavaScript code with this tool

Scanning and analysis are some of the key elements for timely detection of potential security vulnerabilities, as cloud computing security specialists mentioned. There are multiple ways to analyze a system looking for security flaws, but this article will focus on a particular one; Developed by Snyk firm security researchers, this is an extension for Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code editor to detect security vulnerabilities in NPM packages. Cloud computing security service specialists emphasize that this tool is also able to find security flaws in CDN JavaScript packages by simply scanning HTML files in the user’s projects.

Snyk Vuln Cost is an open source extension that functions as a security scanning tool that provides inline feedback as developer code. Because about 90% of the code currently used heavily depends on open source packages, developers might find it helpful to know exactly what these packages do.

Cloud computing security service specialists emphasize that this tool is also able to find security flaws in CDN JavaScript packages by simply scanning HTML files in the user’s projects. CDNs that have support for Snyk Vuln Cost are:


The extension is free and is now available on the Visual Studio Marketplace platform, as mentioned by cloud computing security service specialists. In case users connect Vuln Cost to a Snyk account they will be able to access additional features such as:

  • Flaw severity level assignment
  • Technical overview of detected security issues
  • Tips for risk mitigation and workarounds, among other features

For more information, it is recommended to visit the official platforms of the developers.

Recently, the International Institute of Cyber Security (IICS) published a report on the exploits most used by threat actors, who perform thorough scans on the network to detect exploitable security vulnerabilities, so thousands of technology deployments are permanently exposed to cyberattacks.

This is why security vulnerability analysis has become a critical security tool, as early detection of these failures could enable system administrators to take a better posture, implement better policies, and prevent a large amount of security risks.