If you are a regular user of the SQL server then you are probably familiar with corrupted databases. This is usually due to poorly working data conversion modules and various accompanying programs. They lead to a loss of logical structure inside files of a generic type. When trying to upload these databases to the server, numerous read errors occur and the DBMS sometimes refuses to work.
These errors can also be due to the lack of normalization or the presence of complex internal relationships with entities left by inept programmers.
If you continue to work with the SQL server there is a high chance that you will continue to encounter such situations. So, what do you do in times like these when you lose a few lines or experience these errors?
Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server https://sql.recoverytoolbox.com/repair-sql/ is the best solution for this situation. It is a simple software that always guarantees that the problem is fully solved.
Why Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server?
There are a lot of reasons why Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server is best in fixing errors, but to understand these let’s look at the reasons why the program is a “must-have”:
- If the data corruption in the MySQL database is really serious and MySQL Recovery Toolbox is unable to detect any data in the source files then you can send the source files to the program developers for analysis.
To do this, simply click the Send a source file button or the corresponding menu item. After receiving and studying your data, the program developers will contact you if they managed to improve the quality of data recovery.
- This is one of the few programs that can work not only with corrupted data but also with SQL queries, find violations of program logic and syntax, redundant functionality, and other troubles that lead to reading errors. Moreover, all of this will be highlighted and highlighted directly on the screen.
- The work is carried out not only with tables but also with models, views, relationships, all parts that make up the database. Therefore, you can track down any type of error.
- It has a simple interface. Everything is intuitive, there are no complicated windows, and everything is immediately visible after the initial analysis. If the error has been fixed, then there is no need to reload the re-check. Everything is automatically saved to the file.
- The program works on any Windows, starting from version 98. This is a great advantage for users of this program.
- Installation is very simple. Just press the “next” button till the software is installed.
How to Use the Program
The program is pretty simple to use. Once you understand the steps, you cannot make mistakes.
Step 1:
Firstly, you need to select a file. Do not search for all “.MDF” files using this extension, including images of game discs and other programs. Usually, the user knows the damaged file, and the entire database is written to a single repository, without splitting into parts.
Step 2:
The structure of the database is divided into tables, which allows recovery even with severe damage. A programmer or sysadmin can use this tool to eliminate database redundancy. For each table, you can see the number of records. This will allow you to reconcile the data to understand the loss or search for lost rows by total. This issue often occurs in trade databases when converting for reporting.
You can save scripts to disk or restore them directly in database format.
Step 3:
The program is very convenient to work within various encodings, as it can split an entire code into smaller fragments of a certain size. ANSI is the universal solution in this sense.
Step 4:
For each table, you can generate dependencies; insert data, and the number of records in each table. Such a wide selection before pressing the “Start” button will allow you to get the desired result or work with a partial selection.
In the current version of the program, the size of the database does not matter, but at the same time, it affects the total processing time. The program works very quickly, which is its great advantage. You can back up and experiment quickly enough, even if you’re dealing with a large online store or sales rep. The last step will show you the summary.
Step 5:
It even shows the number of tables and procedures processed. If the program does not show any errors, it means that the installed DBMS or internal settings of the remote connection are not working correctly. The error can also be in the source codes in a programming language that uses a connection to the MS SQL database.
As for the complexity of use, this tool is for employees who know at least a little SQL. If the actions are done automatically, then some simple training may be needed within a short period. This will significantly relieve programmers and help them solve problems of fixing database dumps on their own. Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server was originally developed for programmers.
What About the Closest Competitors of this Software?
There are a lot of other programs that restore the * .mdf format, but I have no intentions of anti-advertising. It seems that the developers of the program decided on doing everything on their own. Algorithms cannot make many decisions that are natural to the human mind; you have to input the commands.
But what if I’m not satisfied with the result and I want to go through the recovery process step by step using the program?
This has already been taken care of by the programmers of the Recovery Toolbox for SQL Server, unlike other programs. The tool is not only suited for non-programmers but all users, programmers, sysadmins, and highly specialized developers for a specific DBMS.
Another product that is highly competitive with the above too is the DataNumen SQL Recovery 4.3
The creators promised the minimum amount of losses when processing the database dump, although in practice this is not visible. The losses are quite large, and the program follows the path of minimum resistance. It doesn’t matter how much the dump loses, the main thing is that it is loaded. This was the main task. The function of searching for the *.MDF file is completely incomprehensible because the user knows exactly which file he wants to process and where the errors are, integration with Windows Shell, so you can easily repair MDF file from the Explorer context menu. Support for drag and drop mode and execution of basic command line parameters. All this may be well implemented in future versions, but not now.
DataNumen SQL Recovery 4.3 gets the job done, but it takes a long time. Also, if the computer has little RAM, then it is almost impossible to do anything while the process is taking place, another rather big disadvantage.
The interface is cluttered with various controls, which only complicates the task for newbies.
SysTools SQL Recovery is another competitive software product:
The program has a large number of possibilities, and at startup, it will search for all the assorted file types to create quick launch libraries. You have to do a scan weekly, and it is impossible to disable it in the settings.
According to the developers, you can eliminate the consequences of a hacker attack on the database, as well as find vulnerabilities.
No one is sure how well this works, especially when you consider the size of the program and its non-specialized function. Indeed, for these purposes, there are special security scanners on the market that make it easy to recognize fragments of potentially dangerous or foreign code, as well as the ability to SQL-injection. This software is also very resource-intensive and slow. Often, databases cannot be restored. Only a mild type of damage will allow a positive result.
The Best Software Solution Ever
Recovery Toolbox for the SQL server works perfectly. It is difficult to compare it with analogs because all attempts to restore database reads were successful. The DBMS easily accepted the retrieved recovered files written in the universal format. Only a few damaged lines caused the problem. But this program eliminated everything automatically, literally with one click of a button.
This tool should be in the arsenal not only of programmers, but everyone who works with database dumps, restores them after crashes, and constantly makes manual backups. This utility deserves 9 points out of 10 because there is no such thing as perfect software. But this is a leader in many respects.
Recovery Toolbox interested me a lot. It turns out that this developer also creates other products that can effectively overcome the problem of unreadable files. It seems that the despair of millions of users around the world has finally come to an end. And few software products can boast almost 5 points on TrustPilot.

Working as a cyber security solutions architect, Alisa focuses on application and network security. Before joining us she held a cyber security researcher positions within a variety of cyber security start-ups. She also experience in different industry domains like finance, healthcare and consumer products.