Tech Investments to Help Boost Website Protection

As an e-commerce business owner, it’s imperative to ensure your website is a safe and secure place for your valued customers and prospects alike.

To do this as effectively as possible, you’ll want to first familiarize yourself with some of the most common website security issues and then learn how to overcome these challenges.

With that in mind, let’s start by getting to know some of the “bad guys” that can negatively impact your website’s security and then look at tangible solutions:

Common Website Security Challenges and Solutions

One common web security vulnerability that disrupts users rather frequently is SQL injection. This type of attack involves a hacker using an application code to access the content of a database. This allows them to create, read, alter, or delete data in the back-end database, as well as infect the site with malware. 

Other common issues include broken authentication and session management; if authentication credentials and session identifiers are not correctly protected, a hacker can access a website and take on the identity of a specific user. Additionally, if security misconfiguration occurs, hackers can gain access to the private data of customers and the website and cause the entire system to be compromised.

Invest in Tools to Make Your Site More Secure

Business owners can make their websites safer and more secure, especially to prevent SQL injection, by investing in a malware removal tool

Look for a company that uses a multi-pronged approach for detecting and removing malware. For instance, effective website malware removal solutions will locate injected malware on a website. Then it will launch a website malware removal system and eliminate those found in the publicly visible source code.

Add Proper Security Protocols

Two vital website protocols that can boost security involve HTTPS and SSL. 

  • The former hypertext transfer protocol secure, will prevent interceptions and interruptions from taking place when your customers’ private information is in transit. When looking at the main URL to your site, it will start with HTTPS and not just HTTP; this will also alert your customers that you’re taking their security and online safety seriously. 
  • The SSL, or secure sockets layer, will encrypt your visitors’ personal information as it travels from your website and database; this will help prevent cybercriminals from reading it while it’s in transit.

Choose a Secure Host for Your Website

When it comes to identifying hosting services for a business website, not all are created equal — at least not in terms of security. Research your options to see which ones provide server security features. 

These include:

  • secure file transfer protocols (SFTP)
  • offering file backup service
  • current security upgrades

If you know other e-commerce business owners you trust, ask them which host provider they use. You can also look at websites that you use for online shopping and reach out to their administration to inquire about this information.

Be Proactive and Protective

It can be jarring to think hackers are out there, looking for ways to attack your e-commerce site. But by learning about common website security issues, you and your site have a better chance of not becoming victims.