At the beginning of the year 2022, there was a surge in employment opportunities within the technology industry. However, by the end of the year, many of the major players in the industry, such as Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon, had begun to cut back on hiring due to concerns about the state of the global economy, falling ad sales, inflation, and rising interest rates. On the other hand, cybersecurity appears to be unaffected by these developments. Some projections estimate that there will be 700,000 available employment in the security industry in the United States alone by the end of the year.
While the number of job openings in cybersecurity for computer experts has remained relatively unchanged, the sector as a whole and the types of cyberattacks that may be launched against businesses of any size are constantly evolving. For example, ransomware continues to be a concern, despite the fact that several players have been identified and new tactics have been discovered almost every week.
Experts in cybersecurity and observers of the industry are keeping a close eye on several trends that have the potential to affect technology and security professionals over the course of the next year and impact how they approach their jobs and career aspirations. The year 2023 has just turned over on the calendar. It takes a combination of foresight, dexterity, and adaptability to safeguard an organization while simultaneously facilitating its operations. To prepare for 2023 and beyond, IT executives should concentrate on the following five areas, despite the fact that no business is completely safe from attack and that “expect the unexpected” is the only forecast that can be counted on with absolute certainty.
The following is a look at five trends in cybersecurity that IT professionals need to keep an eye on in the next year.
Ransomware becomes worse
In the year 2022, ransomware was still a lucrative kind of cybercrime, as hackers utilized phishing attacks and other forms of social engineering to get into the computer systems of both public and private businesses. It seemed that no one was protected, from people to hospitals to large businesses and back again.
Watch the Development of Quantum Computing Carefully
Despite the fact that quantum computing may still seem like an idea from the far future, security experts point out that the technology is continuing to improve and that quantum is likely to become a security problem at some time in the future.
The White House issued an executive order in 2022 about quantum computing, which addressed the potential dangers that may be posed by the technology. Legislation pertaining to the technology is now being considered by Congress, and many government organizations, including the Department of Homeland Security and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, have established working groups to investigate the problem. And although while quantum is likely to remain the domain of governments and highly specialized technological companies, professionals in the fields of cybersecurity and technology still need to keep up with the latest advances.
The implementation of zero trust will see further expansion
Anyone who works in the field of information technology or security and has been familiar with the phrase “zero trust” in the previous year should anticipate hearing considerably more about the idea in 2023.
As an increasing number of businesses rethink their approach to information security, there is an increasing demand for a strategy known as “zero trust,” which does away with the ideas of a security perimeter and a trusted identity. Even the administration of Vice President Joe Biden has made it clear that they are on board with the idea.
The protection of consumer identities will result in the development of new strategies
Midway through the year 2022, Meta began the process of resolving a complaint that said the company had engaged in the unlawful sale of customer data to the political analytics company Cambridge Analytica. In the autumn, Google agreed to pay more than $392 million to resolve a legal dispute with forty states in the United States. In addition, a consumer advocacy organization filed a lawsuit against Apple at the beginning of November, claiming that the company’s apps continue to follow users even after the users have taken active steps to disable this feature. A consumer advocacy organization has filed a lawsuit against Amazon, alleging that Alexa-enabled devices unlawfully recorded private conversations and subsequently sold the data obtained from those talks for financial gain.
The manner in which consumer marketers, government agencies, financial institutions, and other types of businesses negotiate data privacy problems will be the primary focus of discussion for the year of 2023. Security leaders all over the world – and increasingly the C-suite – will be tasked with unraveling a consumer conundrum: while evidence mounts that consumers are concerned about the privacy of personal data, multiple surveys indicate that approximately four out of five consumers are willing to share personal information in exchange for enhanced value or experiences. The solution to this consumer conundrum will fall on the shoulders of security leaders around the world.
Deepfakes Are Getting Better
Deepfakes may be humorous, as in the case of a video that seemed to show President Biden singing “Baby Shark,” or sinister, as in the case of a falsified video of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried that was used as a ruse to mislead investors.
No of the motivation, it is getting more difficult to identify deepfakes, which presents a higher security risk for researchers who are seeking to identify fraud and scams.
The Scamdemic of 2022 will evolve into the Scamdemic of 2023.
As cybercriminals targeted people all over the globe during the “Scamdemic” of 2022, a broad variety of fraudulent schemes, including those involving romance, Covid-19, technical help, and more, were perpetrated. It’s possible that this is, at the very least in part, owing to the fact that software designed to prevent cybercrime has gotten more advanced, making humans easier targets than gadgets.
Criminals operating online are becoming increasingly sophisticated
Cybercrime is, first and foremost, a business, which is a point that we’ve made clear in the past and will do so once again now. In addition, much like other types of businesses, it is always developing and adapting. In the year 2022, we saw growing professionalization in the form of the formation of conglomerates and even the provision of a bug bounty program by a ransomware organization. However, maybe of much more concern is the fact that cybercriminals have begun recruiting new members in online communities frequented by young people. In addition, cybercriminal organizations have begun paying ordinary individuals to assist in their criminal activities, a tendency that Salat anticipates will still be prevalent in the year 2023.

Information security specialist, currently working as risk infrastructure specialist & investigator.
15 years of experience in risk and control process, security audit support, business continuity design and support, workgroup management and information security standards.